#they kiss in this one
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Knight Commander Stephan Harrington, Champion of Light, right hand to the newly crowned (and very young) Queen Elaine, was tied up on the floor.
Unfortunately, so was Eddie.
Which wasn’t intentional--it certainly had not been the plan (not that kidnapping two royal knights had been the plan either)--but it was the outcome that had happened and so, Eddie had to deal.
Now if only he could get the damn bespelled ropes from entangling him…
“You are incredibly bad at this.” The knight informed him in an amused tone. “Like, insanely bad. You should be ashamed levels of bad.”
…which would be a lot easier if he wasn’t being heckled.
“I am not!” Eddie defended, as he finally managed to free himself, throwing the offending, wiggling ropes across the room. Never again would he buy from the cheap spell stall in the market.
“This is a clear and obvious ploy to get you to feel like I am in over my head and you--both of you!--are falling for it!”
He leapt to his feet, spinning around and staring down at his captives with a look he hoped was threatening.
(It wasn’t.)
“We've been kidnapped a handful of times, you know.” Knight First Class Robin Buckley spoke up from her position tied next to her commander. “People tend to put way more thought into it than this.”
She’d adjusted her position sometime between her initial capture (a spell he'd purchased that Eddie had intended to hit the royal carriage and not the knights escorting it) to sit cross legged, hands bound behind her back.
“At least one thought, anyway. You gotta admit this feels pretty desperate.” Stephan piled on. He’d been more entertained than pissed ever since Eddie had taken himself down with his own tools, and the wisecracks were getting worse.
“Thank you, Sir Stephan--”
“You can just call me Steve, man.”
“—but some of us are on a tight deadline here. And for your information,” He brought himself to his full height, trying to loom over them menacingly, “nobody goes around kidnapping royalty unless they’re absolutely desperate.”
Not that he’d succeeded in the “royalty” department, but he’d gotten close enough.
“Oh that reeks of a tragic backstory.” Robin said, like she was seated at a dinner party and not on the floor. “Did you get cursed?”
“He looks like the type of guy to get cursed.” Steve agreed, head tilting like a faithful dogs as he examined his captor.
Frustration overwhelmed him in a wave and Eddie went to angrily yank on his hair before catching himself in the act. As good as it would feel in the moment, it would not help him convince the idiots before him that this was serious, dammit!
The result was that he flung his hands around wildly for a moment, before storming off across the room of the little abandoned cabin he’d found, face burning a brilliant, obvious red.
“I didn’t get cursed, I got accused of--oh. Oh, no, I will not be caught monologuing, fuck you!”
He whirled on his heels, pointing a finger at their stupid faces. “Why I did it doesn’t even matter!”
(Or rather, it did matter—a lot, actually—but not right now. Not to them.
Stupid fucking royal employees and their stupid fucking charmed lives.)
He wasn’t shrieking, he wasn’t--except he was, and both knights traded a look behind his back as he paced wildly about. “I caught you, and I am going to use you to get what I want!”
“Right, sure.” Steve said, nonplussed. “Say, did you maybe touch a weird looking, possibly magical item by chance? Or gave your name to a weirdly attractive looking lady who seems to love yapping about royal court band practices and who definitely wasn't one of the Fae?”
He cast a sly look at his companion with that last line, and was rewarded when her mouth popped open in instant offense.
“You swore you’d stop bringing that up!” Robin said, snapping a leg out in a kick, nailing her companion in the thigh with one thick boot.
“I swore I’d stop bringing up the incident with Nancy.” Steve fired back, taking her kicks with ease. “And all those archery lessons you swore you needed, because you apparently hit your head in battle and forgot how a bow worked--”
“Shut up, Dingus!” Robin growled, in tandem with Eddie’s mounting panic.
This was not, at all, going how this was supposed to. Not that anything had as it was supposed to, since shit went sideways, but the knights were at least could have the decency to be somewhat afraid of him!
Or angry.
Eddie could work with angry!
This two bit comedy routine he was being subjected to instead of any rational reaction was just the icing on top of the weird cake of his life and he was this close to having a full blown mental breakdown about it.
Which, of course, was exactly when they had to go and make things worse.
Robin stopped kicking her commander and turned back to Eddie, eyes narrowing with the sharpness of someone who had just put something big together. “Hey, hold on—aren’t you that bard half the kingdom won’t shut up about? Eddie the Balladeer?”
Because naturally, the first time anyone recognized him since his life went to hell, it had to be the people he’d just kidnapped.
(He should have listened to his uncle and become a woodworker.)
“I was.” Eddie grumped. “More like fuckin’ Eddie the Banished now. But again,” He stressed the word with a harsh flick of both hands, “that doesn’t matter.”
“Why not?” Steve pressed him. “Pretty sure Dustin is planning on you playing at his birthday party. He’s obsessed with that weird song you do. The one with the bed spring noises.”
Eddie did not know who Dustin was, but after the chaos of the past two weeks, it was only a matter of time before word of his so-called crimes reached the capitol and shredded whatever remained of his reputation.
“Considering I’ve been accused of murder and my entire damn hometown thinks I’m leading satanic rituals, I seriously doubt that,” he sneered, aiming for something haughty and menacing—anything that would make them start taking this whole thing seriously.
Steve and Robin exchanged another look, the kind only two people sharing a single brain cell could, the unspoken agreement loud and clear on their faces: ��Do Not Laugh Right Now.
Which was, frankly, insulting, given the sheer level of trauma that came with being branded a murderer.
“Who accused you of satanic worship?” Steve managed to ask, clearly struggling to keep his words giggle free. “You look like one of those wobbly baby deer. You know, with the big, cute eyes.”
Eddie glowered at him. “Are you deaf? I just said it was the entire town!”
(He determinedly ignored the fact that Steve had just compared him to a damn woodland creature—and called him cute, on top of it.)
“Is this one of those things wrong place wrong time things?” Robin tacked on, like this was a fun puzzle and not Eddie’s life spiraling wildly out of control. “Like, ‘there’s a dead body on the floor and I’m holding a knife but I swear I just walked in here right before the constable did’ type of situations?”
“I bet the person he apparently murdered isn’t even dead.” Steve fake-whispered to Robin conspiratorially, eyes never leaving Eddie’s. They were crinkled at the edges in a smile, like this entire thing was getting better by the second. “Money says he helped a fair maiden get out of an awful marriage and the shitty fiancé accused him of killing her.”
Which is exactly what happened, the fucking dick.
Jaw swimming with his attempts to get out too many words at once, Eddie sputtered. “Of course she isn’t dea--I mean, I, no!”
“Ha! Steve you totally nailed it.” Robin said, leaning back in triumph. “Which means Dongus here was trying to kidnap one of the Princes to get someone to listen to you. God that’s so cliche.”
“It’s not like I asked for it to happen!” Eddie shrilled, tone hitting notes he hadn’t been aware his throat could make.
“Man, I'm good.” Steve said, ignoring Eddie entirely. "I should've been a detective."
“Please, you’re much better at looking intimidating than actually being intimidating. Why do you think Hopper made you Champion, Mr. Model?”
Eddie’s hands were in his hair again, and this time, he gave up all pretenses of looking cool and evil and let himself tear at it.
“Why I’m doing this doesn’t matter because it’s not like you two can fucking help me!”
That, at least, cut through the good cheer, succeeding in finally getting both knights to shut up.
“I’m dead if I don’t fix this, but worse is if they go on and target Wayne, or Gareth or the rest of the band, or--” He wasn’t exactly hyperventilating, but he was breathing awfully fast. “I can’t let that fucknut Carver go on a whole rampage and hurt everyone who ever associated with me!”
Wayne was fairly talented at talking the village down, but that had always been when Eddie had been accused of selling fake potions or replacing the town flag with Jason’s undergarments.
He was not going to be able to fight off an angry mob, should they decide to make the trek to him.
“Hey.” Steve said, his voice losing all the humor it had before. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay!”
“We can help make it okay.” Robin said gently and it become abruptly clear that his kidnapping victims were now trying to comfort him, because life just had to kick him while he was down. “We’re Knights of the Kingdom, after all.”
“Oh and I suppose I’m just supposed to untie you and you’ll--what?” Eddie glared at them, hands pulling hard at his hair. “Just let the whole kidnapping thing go? Help me out of the goodness of your hearts instead of arresting me and throwing me in the stockades?”
Steve shrugged. “I mean, yeah.”
“I don’t believe you.” Eddie said flatly.
“Does it help if we tell you this isn’t a contender for the top ten weirdest situations we’ve been in?” Robin asked. “Like, it’s not even close.”
“No. No it does not.”
“Okay.” Steve said, in a ‘thinking aloud’ sort of voice. “How about this? We give you our words as knights that we’ll help clear your name, and you can stick with us so no one else tries anything until we do.”
Like Eddie was dumb enough to fall for that bullshit.
“And why would you do that? What's in it for you to help clear my name?” He challenged them. “We both know the second I untie either of you, you’re going to overwhelm me and take me in. I’m not taking that chance.”
Not with Wayne on the line.
“Has anyone ever told you you have trust issues?” Steve asked, pushing Eddie right over the edge.
“I was convicted!” He dropped his hands in a crazed movement, only to smack the back of one against the other's palm in time with his shrieking. “Of! Murder!”
He must have hit another shrill note, because Steve and Robin both winced.
“Easy.” Steve soothed. “You know who I am, right?”
Eddie snorted. Sir Stephan’s face was plastered across a shitload of banners all over the kingdom. You couldn’t go anywhere without knowing who the Queen’s Champion was, and Robin was nearly just as famous.
“Yes.” He grit out.
“Then you know that while I myself don’t have any kind of magic or power, I am tied directly into the Kingdom’s power.”
In an impressive display of athleticism, Steve maneuvered himself up into a proper kneel, hands still tied behind his back with softly glowing ropes.
He looked up at Eddie through thick lashes, expression earnest. “If you want, I will tap into it to make you an unbreakable oath. That way I can’t betray you.”
Stunned into stillness, Eddie stared at him, before his eyes swept to his companion, trying to check if this was some kind of trick or trap or--something else he was too stupid to catch.
Instead of an answer, Robin looked just as shocked as Eddie, her jaw dropping.
“Dingus, you can’t be serious,” She protested, while Eddie finally found his voice to choke out;
“Why would you do that?”
“Because we’re the good guys,” Steve replied, with a smile so bright it could probably power the sun. “and the good guys help people.”
That was said a little oddly--like he was quoting someone who’d said it many, many times before.
Eddie opened his mouth, struggling to form the words.
“How,” he started, his voice cracking on the word. He paused, biting his lip before finally gathering the strength to ask, “How do you know I’m not just lying to you?”
“You?” Steve echoed, the word practically a challenge, but he was still looking up at Eddie through those damn eyelashes, his expression calm, like they'd known each other for a hundred years and would know each other for a hundred more. “No way.”
They stared at each other for a long, drawn out moment. Eddie didn’t know what Robin was doing, didn’t have room in his brain to even recall her presence in the room. It felt like he and Steve were connected, his entire life was teetering and this moment would decide the outcome.
Steve had been right. Eddie did have trust issues. Big ones, and this entire situation had only made them worse, but somehow, in that moment, he felt like he could do the impossible.
He could trust Steve.
“Okay.” He said quietly, all his bluster and wild hand movements gone.
Steve beamed at him.
“Kneel down in front of me.” The knight instructed, and as if drawn by an invisible thread, Eddie did so, dropping down so his face was level with Steve’s.
“Come closer.” Steve ordered, and waited as Eddie shuffled, closer and closer, until they were barely a breaths width apart, so close he could see the streaks of gold in Steve’s warm, brown eyes.
“I,” Steve started, in a voice that was both powerful and intimate, “Sir Stephan, Knight Commander of the Kingdom of Light, Queen’s Champion and head of House Harrington, call upon the bonds that make me and that I have made in turn, to hereby swear to you,”
He paused, waiting, and it took Eddie a moment to realize he had never given the man his name.
“Edward Munson, of Town Hawkins.” He muttered, bespelled entirely by the warmth in Steve's eyes.
“Edward Munson, Bard of Town Hawkins,” Steve said, and oh, what the addition of the word ‘bard.’ did to Eddie’s stomach. The flips it made when he realized just how well Steve was continuing to read him, better than anyone else in his life ever had.
(It made him feel insane.)
“that I will aid in clearing your name, restoring your reputation, and ensuring your safe return to the life you were meant to live.”
Something built up between them, humming with the buzz of magic. The weight felt tangible, the threads growing thick tying Eddie and Steve together.
“By the powers that be.” Steve whispered, leaning ever so slightly forward, eyelashes lowering.
Eddie repeated the last line back to Steve, guided by the nudging insistence of the magic that circled them.
For a second the oath become visible, strings of bright yellow magic surging about, and Eddie was almost drawn to look at it, had he not been distracted by Steve closing the distance between them.
“Wha--” Eddie started to ask, only for Steve to draw the word into his own mouth, sealing their oath with a kiss.
In the songs Eddie sung, the world exploded when one experienced true love's kiss. Birds sang, and people cheered, fireworks rose to explode in the air.
This kiss was nothing like that.
This kiss felt like coming home.
Steve ended it as chastly as he started it, pulling back to smile at him. “And there you have it. One sworn Knight Commander, duty bound to clear your good name.”
“Uh huh.” Eddie said, blinking rapidly, trying to come back into himself, trying not to look as dazed as he felt. “Right. My uh, name.”
Steve beamed at him. Tentatively, Eddie smiled back, and if a moment could be warm then this one was the warmest thing Eddie had ever experienced, like a gentle blanket being draped across them both.
It was ruined entirely by the forced coughing that started up next to them.
“If you two are done now, my arms are going numb.” Robin announced, making Eddie jerk back and Steve roll his eyes.
“Sorry.” Eddie said automatically, face going red for the third time that day. “I’ll uh. I’ll do that now.”
In his mad scramble to get to his feet and hide how aroused he was, Eddie missed the smug look Steve gave Robin.
In his attempts at removing the spelled ropes from her wrists, he equally missed the sarcastically mouthed ‘Slut.’ Robin aimed back at him.
He did, however, somehow understand that Robin came with Steve, and that he had just damned himself to their bantering.
Weirdly, it made him feel better instead of worse.
“So out of curiosity, what name did you give yourself?” Steve asked a handful of hours later, as the three of them began their trek to Castle Hoosier.
Eddie frowned at him. “Name?”
“You know.” Steve nudged his shoulder against Eddie’s playfully, like they were buddies. “Your evil wizard name, or whatever.”
“I never said I was a wizard, Steve.”
“You cannot tell me someone as dramatic as yourself didn’t immediately decide to change your name to something ridiculous.” The knight challenged, and Eddie hated how easily the guy had clocked him. “I bet it has evil in the title. Or Mean. Or--”
“It was Dread Lord Munson.” Robin interrupted.
With a grin so wide it overtook her entire face, she turned a little leatherbound notebook to face Steve. There, in Eddie’s spidery scrawl, was the offending name taking up half the page.
“Where did you get that!?” Eddie squawked, lunging for the book. Robin, in a show of skill he wouldn’t have thought her capable of, tossed it right over his head, into the waiting hands of Steve.
Eddie spun, cursing wildly as Steve took a look at his personal (!) writings.
(He hadn't even seen her grab it, dammit!)
He ducked out of the way once, then twice, laughing the entire time, before closing the book with a snap and holding it out to Eddie.
“Come on, Dork Lord, let’s go get your name cleared.” He said, a fond grin on his face.
“I hate you. Both of you.” Eddie whined, a blush dusting his cheeks as he snatched his book back, but followed Steve anyway.
He had the worst feeling he was going to be doing that for a while, now. Even if his name got cleared.
Fucking knights.
“We both know that binding ritual does not involve a kiss, Steve.” Robin said, some time later, quiet enough for only her friend to hear.
“Ah, shut up Robs. Let me have my fun.” Steve said. “Besides, it sets the tone. Now that he knows what kissing me is like, it's all he’s gonna be thinking about.”
“Pretty sure all he’s thinking about is clearing his name, Dingus.”
“Okay, yeah.” Steve stressed the word, “but after we clear it? That little scatterbrained bard is gonna be fully focused on me.” He flicked a finger at his own chest, and gave what he thought was his best winning smile.
Robin made gagging noises.
In retaliation. Steve tried to push her off her horse.
#Eddie does in fact know Dustin#its just that Dustin#and the party at large#also gave themselves dramatic nicknames#steddie#they kiss in this one#stobin#0o0 fanfics#eddie munson#steve harrington#robin buckley#I've been reading a lot of comedy fantasies#so this is a very 'dreadful' slash Tom Holt slash Not Very Serious Fantasy take on the concept lol#knight commander Steve#Knight First Class Robin#Dread Lord Evil Guy Eddie Munson#Who is neither evil nor a lord#a weird little take on enemies to lovers LOL
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GRAY CURRENT aka GRAY SHELTER official trailer 1 // 2
starring: Lee Jae Bin and Yang Woo Young, premiere: 11.04.24
#they kiss in this one#gray current#gray shelter#lee jae bin#lee jaebin#yang woo young#yang wooyoung#official trailer#video#blmpff#Youtube
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After the flesh
This is the fourth chapter of my Jeff the killer fanfiction it’s posted on ao3 as well
I had opened the sliding glass door when I saw him running up through my back yard, calling my name loud enough to where I could hear it through the glass. Disheveled hair and shifty eyes that looked red were locked onto mine. When I grabbed his forearms and tried to see if he was injured.
“Woah okay”
I stumbled back a little when he fell onto his knees head buried into my ribs while his hand’s reached around my back, clinging onto my bones in an iron grip. I tried to figure out if he’d gotten a head injury while his shoulders shook, bated shaky breaths warming my clothing and I tried to make out what he was saying.
“Hear me know I exist why aren’t you listening, I have sinned but so has everyone else I need to know you’re there”
I couldn’t figure out if he was talking to me but when I tried to pull away he held on tighter, keeping me stuck in between my kitchen and doorway.
I felt bad, I didn’t know what he’d done or seen to react this way but I didn’t know him, truly. I had just finished putting our Christmas tree up when I heard him calling for me from outside. My cd player was still going quietly when I answered the door to this crying mess of a man.
“Jeff, hey can you come inside and tell me what happened it’s cold out there”
He let go. Not saying anything as he stood up and looked away from me, At the outside and came into the kitchen. The lights from the tree seemed to make him wince.
I struggled with the door and finally got it shut after some push and pull. Staring at the slush that coated the ground of my back patio while the tears that stained my shirt started to become cold. He was looking at me, and I wondered what he had to say next. What brought on this confession to me as if I were a priest.
“What happened?”
“I’m sorry.”
“No. What happened quit dodging my questions with half assed answers”
“I burnt down a manger”
“Why did you burn down a manger”
“Cause I felt like it. Is that a good enough answer for you, mom”
He said that last part with a sharp incline, this is fucking bullshit. I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t ask for his presence and I didn’t ask to be treated like a nuisance in my own home with someone I barely knew.
“No. No! You don’t get to talk to me like that while you’re standing in my kitchen. I let you in. Tell me what happened or you can get out.”
“I already told you.”
“Ok then leave”
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me”
“Obviously, I don’t know anything about you. I’ve seen you twice”
“I don’t like Christmas”
“A lot of people don’t, they don’t kill people though. Or burn down Christmas decorations”
He sighed, rubbing his hands on the sides of his temples while I crossed my arms. Waiting for a more appropriate explanation to this sudden outburst, and why he came to me.
“Do you have alcohol”
“I have half a four loko in the fridge”
I sat on my couch while he stood in the kitchen, grimacing when he downed a week old party drink only teenagers and broke college students enjoyed. I rested my chin on my open palm to keep my eye on him from the living room.
“My daddy was a preacher. I was the oldest son of two boys and I was expected to also follow in line of the rest of the men in my family of becoming one too”
“1988, I was seven years old. I had night terrors and I’d sleep walk. Parents thought I was possessed , had me exercised three times until I just didn’t sleepwalk anymore. We weren’t even catholic.”
I didn’t say anything when he moved into the living room in front of me. Sitting on the ground cross legged he rubbed circles on his knees with his palms.
“When I was 14 I refused to get baptized. The last time they made me go to church I broke everything of value in the living room.”
He laughed quietly to himself before he continued. I bit the inside of my cheek, playing with a loose thread on the couch as I listened.
“You uncomfortable?”
“No, it’s ok really I asked you to tell me why”
“Ok. I refused to get baptized so four grown men, men I grew up with held me down and threw me into the baptism pool.”
I bit the side of my thumb. I couldn’t tell if he was telling the truth or if this was a sob story to get me to trust him. But the way he fidgeted with his hands told me this was something he was recalling.
“One of them was my best friends dad. She was gone then. He’d sent her to some sort of camp for troubled teens. He found out that she had a girlfriend, and that I was also hiding that fact from him.”
“Yeah?“ I didn’t know what to say because ‘I’m sorry’ didn’t seem to be enough or the right words For what he was telling me.
“I moved out at 17, lived on my own for a few months until ,parents reported me missing. I came back a few months before my eighteenth”
I watched him down the rest of the alcohol, his eyes trained on my Christmas tree to think of what to say next. I stared at my feet, his hands, my hands
“My birthday is on Christmas. The day I turned 18 I was forced to go to a service, got into a fight with my dad after dinner. And I killed them. My mother first. With A gun I got from a friend, tried and failed to kill my brother next I stabbed him once and couldn’t finish the job. My father was last. And the longest. I couldn’t recreate all of pain and suffering he inflicted onto me for my entire childhood but, I sure did make him feel afraid.”
“I” I still didn’t know what to say. The words wouldn’t spill from my lips as I tried to wrap my head around what I had been told, my own family issues seemed so minuscule in this moment that I contemplated calling my mom. Tell her I love her.
“My friend, Jane. I trusted her with anything I had. She was smart and put together, stubborn and almost always right, I was angry and a mess. I burned her house to the ground. I ran into that fire to find her but stayed because it had turned into hell. And that’s where I belonged. She wasn’t even in there. She snuck out to her girlfriends. I only came out when I heard her screaming. I haven’t seen her since”
“You have a thing with fire”
I didn’t say anything else. I didn’t know what to say, so I just moved to the floor and sat beside him with my head on his shoulder. I contemplated telling my own stories but I didn’t want to. I don’t think I could even make the words come out of my mouth even if I wanted to. I knew what I did and I knew there was nothing i could do to fix it. No matter how much I begged and pleaded for anyone to just talk to me. My god was my father. And I hade none. All I had now was him to keep me company and I wasn’t going to complain.
“Do you want to go to my room, I don’t know how the Christmas tree is making you feel”
“No, it’s fine”
He let me rest my head on him, his breathing had slowed and my shirt had dried. His hand rested on my knee while I stared off into the Christmas lights.
“I want to go to my room anyway, if you want you can follow me. The heat doesn’t work as well out here”
“If you insist.”
I picked up my computer off of my bedside table, I usually checked my emails at this time of night but he hadn’t seen a computer in a while so he was busy pressing buttons and looking up dumb websites with my browser.
“Please be careful you’re gonna give me a virus”
“A man can’t use the internet”
“No you just can’t click on every pop up ad you see”
“Ok then I don’t want to use the internet anymore”
I rolled my eyes and shut my computer, crossing my arms and looking down at him from my sitting position I watched him sit up and pull off the hoodie he had on. A different one from the one I gave him. I wondered where he got that one from but shook the thought from my head. His arms were pale, I could see blue veins peaking out from almost white skin a deep contrast from the black of the t shirt he wore underneath.
“You stare a lot”
“I stare too, you just don’t catch me”
“That’s creepy”
“Sure. I know”
I kept looking while he looked at me, the inside of my cheek almost being bitten off while my heart threatened to burst out of my chest.
The way he sat up to take off his hoodie positioned him directly above my head. My cheeks burned and the tips of my fingers tingled when I laced my fingers through his hair, bringing his face closer to mine. His surprised hum when I kissed him made me hold onto his hair into a tighter grip. His hand moved to right above my elbow the other behind my neck.
I pulled away for a minute to breathe. My face stung and I moved to sit on the middle of his thighs. I needed to respond. The Last words needed to be mine.
“Fuck you”
#creepypasta#jeff the killer#jeff the killer x oc#jeff the killer x reader#creepypasta fanfic#eyeless jack#eyeless jack x reader#jeff the killer headcanons#creepy aesthetic#slenderman#my writing#they kiss in this one#I have a hard time writing kiss scenes forgive me#ughhhh#creepypasta x reader#creepypasta fanfiction#jeff the killer creepypasta#jeff the killer rewrite#love y’all
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the second chapter is out now!
I'm honestly pretty proud of this little project I've been working on and I hope everyone that has read this has enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it!
#great god grove#writing#ao3#great god grove click clack#great god grove thespius#they kiss in this one#ggg#I’m going to bed#why do I only finish these in the middle of the night
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in all timelines in all possibilities only you can show me this
#artists on tumblr#Arcane#jayvik#Jayce Talis#Viktor#arcane spoilers#my art#I saw That Shot (you know the one) and my brain broke with how beautiful it was#and then I was like wait those colors... oh my god what if...#aaaand I've always wanted to draw the klimt kiss ref#looks like these two were the ones who got it in the end hah#but phew this tested me in so many ways with figuring things out
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Whoever conceived and animated this moment, I hope they're doing well and thriving. This is S-rank romance stuff here.
#the ship overall is C to A tier#but it's things like THIS that push it up toward the A#titan ae#titan a.e.#cale#akima#it just...#starts with them chilling together being comfortable in each other's space#that would be enough that's a point there#then she goes and HANDS HIM THE SANDWICH SHE'S EATING#sharing their food#that's another one#and she does it because his hands are busy so he can't feed himself#so that's a third point#and she does it WITHOUT LOOKING AT HIM which is a FOURTH point#and he bites into it without request or invitation so that's a FIFTH point#and then he TAKES THE WHOLE SANDWICH AND GULPS IT DOWN LIKE A LIZARD#which is a SIXTH point#and jumps it up to SEVEN because she pulls her fingers free and finally looks at him and yells at him#IT'S A SEVEN-POINT ROMANCE COMBO#do you know how utterly rare those are?#those are generally earned through KISS scenes where the hands move and the heads touch and maybe there's a spin#they achieved a seven-point romance combo by SHARING A SANDWICH#fixing machines and sharing lunch URRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHH
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“in all timelines, in all possibilities, only you…can show me this.”
#jayvik#jayce x viktor#viktor arcane#viktor league of legends#arcane jayce#jayce league of legends#jayce talis#arcane#arcane fanart#arcane season 2#arcane spoilers#their love saved the world no one talk to me#unironically gayer than a kiss#I’m sick
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#arcane#arcane s2#viktor#jayvik#i was waiting for someone to draw kiss of judas jayvik version#but no one did so i tried it myself#kinda scrappy but at least i made it before 7-9 comes out#jayce#aaa as long as the vision is there#also i love these plant designs#fortiche artists are so bigbrained
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For many of years I had this tradition of drawing Wirt and the beast once a year to see how much I have improved, then depression hit in 2023 and couldn't continue, but it left so really amazing art in the process
#There are 2 missing from 2015 and 2016 but those are between God and me#I lost the scanned version of the last#thats why the picture is taken with my phone#so these are from 2017 to 2022#I'm pretty proud of them#over the garden wall#otgw wirt#otgw#You can tell I was a fan of the Bad Ending AU back then...#a friend of mine once joked that I drew them closer and closer with every passing year#that at some point they would end up kissing#wwww#maybe the next one is a kiss of judas reference#who knows#my art
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I liked this part :]
#transformers#transformers one#d16#starscream#megatron#soundwave#shockwave#maccadam#arts#soundwave not having starscreams back in any continuity..... chefs kiss
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i don't think the theraprism is a good thing, guys
#gravity falls#the book of bill#bill cipher#comic#stump art#tbob spoilers#ford having a lovely cup of tea. thinking to himself. an angel has just sung something i believe#i shall close my eyes . and die now#< -- SAD . but it had to happen#everyone kiss your sad grandpa if you have one . you never know when bill cipher is going to blow his ass up
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An apprentice garment shouldn't be touched carelessly because it's a symbol of devotion to the Prime. Thus, to let others touch it is to say "I'm devoted to you too"
Orion doesn't know and D won't stop him
#touching each other's garment is something apprentices do as their own mischief#like away from prying eyes#Like a sneaky kiss in dark corner#orion is new he doesn't know all this#apprentice au#transformers#transformers one#transformers orion pax#dpax#megop#tfo#tf one#tf one 2024#tf one orion pax#d 16#orion pax#tfone#my art
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He truly did.
#atla#avatar the last airbender#atla fanart#atla art#the gaang#sokka art#sokka fanart#atla sokka#sokka#sokka avatar the last airbender#sokka of the water tribe#kyoshi warriors#kyoshi warriors au#kyoshi island#kyoshi warrior sokka#atla meme#incorrect quotes#Daniel Radcliffe you looked really nice in Fleur's outfit#As did Sokka in the Kyoshi Warriors uniform#Let him be pretty. He deserves it.#Also that handbag he bought in Gaoling would go really well with the uniform don't you think?#He loves shopping and putting together cute outfits and looking good. That's my boy.#Bi Sokka is my Sokka what are you talking about#He's pretty and he knows it ✨#Also can we all agree that everyone would look awesome as Kyoshi Warriors? Yes????#You know I'm lost when I start using Daniel's quotes for ATLA characters lmao#“And I was crying and I was in the bath” will come eventually. That line screams happy-go-lucky Aang and/or deadpan Zuko#Anyone would do#“We love Daniel but he's useless” is also *chef kiss*#Which character for that one tho?
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Bon Voyage
#''We kissed her nose and wished her bon voyage‚ knowing that she would not survive the flight.''#laika#laika the space dog#soviet space program#the background is heavily inspired by hubble photographs#particularly the older ones#art#illustration#colored pencil#april 14 1958 laika disintegrated upon re-entering the earths atmosphere
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because sometimes there are invisible tests and invisible rules and you're just supposed to ... know the rule. someone you thought of as a friend asks you for book recommendations, so you give her a list of like 30 books, each with a brief blurb and why you like it. later, you find out she screenshotted the list and send it out to a group chat with the note: what an absolute freak can you believe this. you saw the responses: emojis where people are rolling over laughing. too much and obsessive and actually kind of creepy in the comments. you thought you'd been doing the right thing. she'd asked, right? an invisible rule: this is what happens when you get too excited.
you aren't supposed to laugh at your own jokes, so you don't, but then you're too serious. you're not supposed to be too loud, but then people say you're too quiet. you aren't supposed to get passionate about things, but then you're shy, boring. you aren't supposed to talk too much, but then people are mad when you're not good at replying.
you fold yourself into a prettier paper crane. since you never know what is "selfish" and what is "charity," you give yourself over, fully. you'd rather be empty and over-generous - you'd rather eat your own boundaries than have even one person believe that you're mean. since you don't know what the thing is that will make them hate you, you simply scrub yourself clean of any form of roughness. if you are perfect and smiling and funny, they can love you. if you are always there for them and never admit what's happening and never mention your past and never make them uncomfortable - you can make up for it. you can earn it.
don't fuck up. they're all testing you, always. they're tolerating you. whatever secret club happened, over a summer somewhere - during some activity you didn't get to attend - everyone else just... figured it out. like they got some kind of award or examination that allowed them to know how-to-be-normal. how to fit. and for the rest of your life, you've been playing catch-up. you've been trying to prove that - haha! you get it! that the joke they're telling, the people they are, the manual they got- yeah, you've totally read it.
if you can just divide yourself in two - the lovable one, and the one that is you - you can do this. you can walk the line. they can laugh and accept you. if you are always-balanced, never burdensome, a delight to have in class, champagne and glittering and never gawky or florescent or god-forbid cringe: you can get away with it.
you stare at your therapist, whom you can make jokes with, and who laughs at your jokes, because you are so fucking good at people-pleasing. you smile at her, and she asks you how you're doing, and you automatically say i'm good, thanks, how are you? while the answer swims somewhere in your little lizard brain:
how long have you been doing this now? mastering the art of your body and mind like you're piloting a puppet. has it worked? what do you mean that all you feel is... just exhausted. pick yourself up, the tightrope has no net. after all, you're cheating, somehow, but nobody seems to know you actually flunked the test. it's working!
aren't you happy yet?
#almost wrote the champagne line as ''effervescent'' but legit could not write it without saying ''effervescent like a snail''#ah tumblr...#writeblr#warm up#idk . having trouble writing rn#ps i don't like to talk about it . it is my medical information. but before you ask. yes this is about being on the spectrum#i really don't like when ppl make my writing about how im [whatever ID]. i want it to ring true for the people who it rings true for#i don't want it to be like ''awwwww look at this person!!! she's the EXCEPTION!!! :)" .....#no.... not really.....#idk something gross happens whenever i admit to certain conditions and i turn into like inspiration p*rnography#like yes they actually let us use keyboards these days#furthermore i just... dont feel comfortable talking about this part of me. i had too bad of a childhood. adhd is one thing...#this one im like. still coming to terms with. which is like. my own journey.#idk. just please be kind. some things are more private than others. this one feels private to me.#i do not know how to help others w/this . and i do not know how to help myself. i will talk about it if im ever ready. idk if that will#actually ever happen#ty in advance i love u im kissing you we are kissing somewhere on the spectrum
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MODERN AU ACESAN !!!! first impressions with a guy who barely passes the No Shoes No Shirt No Service rule
#acesan#one piece#portgas d ace#sanji#monkey d luffy#comic#ive been meaning to make this comic for like a year Btw. and it got stunted for 6 months cuz I couldn't get past a part that was like#Slightly too ooc for my liking without fuckin up the whole thing even tho its already stupid as is ANYWAY. SOLVED IT OBVIOUSLY so yaaay#i spent so long on it and it still had mistakes. but gues what I Fucking Ball#also initially posting this on twitter was such a headache because the alt text limit is so Small so i was like ok Fuck My Life i guess#anyway. blow s a kiss to the crowd. Enjoy my insanity
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